Friday 30 April 2010

Final Cut

link to prezi


Tuesday 30 March 2010

I then added titles to it using lens flare.

Using iMovie 2

We then added slide transitions to make our sequence run smoother and look more professional.

I then imported the soundtrack from garageband and put it in sync with our sequence . The incidental sound creates tension and builds up to te killing scene,then the piano music at the end creates peace as the victim is dead.

Using iMovie

This is the original footage we filmed and imported to iMovie.

We then cut it after reducing it to 5s sections and grouped it all together in sequence without any changes.

Creation of Logo

Above are the two steps of creating our logo. To the left is the starting template I created using the line tool increasing the line pixels from 5 upto 20. TO the left is my edited version sing different layers colour and different tools to create different effects.