Thursday 25 February 2010

Risk Assesment

Risk Assessment

·      Our sequence uses a knife to show the killing of a character, therefore the main risk affecting our safety is the blade. We must be careful not to actually injure the character in anyway and also to store it safely when it is not in use.

·      We must be careful not to fall down the stairs when transporting equipment into the flat as we may trip or slip because of the weight or shape of the equipment used. If the equipment becomes to heavy to carry, we will all contribute in carrying a certain piece at a time.

·      As the shot is filmed upstairs, we must be careful not to trip down the stairs or damage the equipment by dropping it. To avoid this we will be aware of our surroundings and other aspects, which may put us or the equipment in jeopardy.

·      As we are using meat, which is raw, we must be careful not to eat or make any unnecessary contact which may spread germs or put the characters at risk. To avoid this danger, we will wash hands after contact with the raw meat and also to clean surfaces after we have finished filming.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Assesment 5

Plot Synopsis

Girl is murdered at the beginning of the sequence, by two masked murderers who torture her and eventually decapitate her in a flat that they have broken into. The victim’s boyfriend then discovers her corpse in the flat, which belongs to the girl, and is horrified by his discovery. He tries to figure out who is the killer, by being a ruthless that tortures people linked with the murder to find out answers. When he finds out, he seeks revenge on the two murderers who are still unknown to the audience. We later discover that it is the boyfriend’s best friends (who are on some sort of drugs) and he must kill to settle the dispute.


Opening Sequence  

Outside the flat (diagetic sound-typical city), it is raining (ambient sound) heavily and shows the female (Olivia Dawkins) and so an establishing shot is used to show the setting. Olivia enters the flat and locks the door (Extreme close up & match on action)(sound-incidental sound violin). Olivia walks up stairs (high angled shot from top of stairs) to show vulnerability (incidental music-violin). She’s sat watching a film, (sound perspective-film, incidental music-louder) music build up tension and creates a hostile atmosphere. The light flickers on and off and we see the murderers behind her, then it goes dark again (low angled medium shot)(deep focus). Then the first credits appear to create anticipation. Then it focuses in on the knife and shows match on action of murderer waves a knife, the camera then cuts away to the women (mise en scene pig skin) and slashes her (mise en scene-fake blood)(diagetic-screaming). Then more credits appear. Then extreme close up of knife appears with blood dripping from it (Non-diagetic, tap dripping, crying). Final credits appear (non synchronous – knife sharpening). Final flash of light, (effects-blood squirts onto the wall). Then film title screen appears (Title- Final Cut).


Target Audience Appeal

The storyline of the film will appeal to the target audience, as it will have a sense of mystery because it will keep the audience guessing who the murderers are. Also it will be unexpected, as you won’t suspect it is he best friends of her boyfriend. This will also appeal to the target audience as the opening will be tense and the audience will be intrigued of the victim was killed as it uses elliptical editing. Other ways it will appeal to the target audience is the violent and gory aspect of the film that would appeal to the audience of this age especially horror fans


Creative Techniques

Creative techniques used in this clip will include how the knife is expressed and used to create tension in the clip, also how it relates to horror and is the weapon used to murder the victim. Pig skin will be used in the horror clip when the victim is stabbed. The pig skin will be used to make it look more realistic and it is an alternative to stabbing the character in person.

Assessment 7

Assessment 8

Assessment 6

Organization of Actors, Props and Costumes

The Actors in the scene will consist of Ellie Wright (Olivia Dawkins), Den Snowdon (Ben Smith) and Lawrence Arnold (Sean Farnsworth). Den and Lawrence are the murderers in the sequence, although their identity is kept secret due to the masks that they wear. We will purchase the masks ourselves and also the murder weapon used, which will be a knife. We will not require any funding for any of the sequence as it will be cheap enough to shoot.        

         Like I previously mentioned, Olivia Dawkins will play Ellie Wright, a female who works as a shop assistant in the off license below. Her boyfriend will not be present in the sequence but his name is Julius Jackson and is best friends with Den and Lawrence. Dennis Snowdon is played by Ben Smith and both him and Lawrence Arnold, who is played by Sean Farnsworth are the murderers in the sequence, although the audience will be oblivious to this. This will therefore create an enigma and keep the audience guessing who is the murderer throughout the whole movie. The characters are important in the sequence as without them, there would be no film.

         Ellie Wright will be wearing casual clothing, such as a vest, cardigan, jeans and plimsoles after she has came home after a night at work. We will use old clothing as they will be ruined by the fake blood we intend to use will stain the clothing. The murderers on the other hand will wear masks on their face which will disguise their identity. They will also wear black jeans, black vests along with black leather gloves and black plimsoles, as black represents both evil and death, and the mask will conceal the identity of the killers. Keeping the killers identity concealed is a major part of a horror movie, otherwise I believe the film would then become either action or thriller.

         The sequence will be filmed at Olivia’s flat as she owns one above the shop she works in. This has proven to be sufficient and is easier than renting a place out as it will cost more money. We will have to carry out a health and safety assessment of the building and location before we actually start filming, and also the flat will be perfect for the scene and effect we wish to portray in the opening sequence.