Tuesday 26 January 2010

Assessment 2 Analysis of opening sequnce

SAW 3 Opening


The saw 3 Opening shows micro themes within the opening sequence that represents horror. The Mise en Scene within the scene shows aspects of horror, through the low-key lighting. This is used throughout the opening sequence, which creates a sense of mystery, as you cannot recognise what the particular character is surrounded by so creates mystery. Dark lighting is used a lot in horror films and we associate dark scenes with horror. Also the props used in the scene represent the horror genre. Props such as chains and weapons are used in the scene; these weapons are used in horror scenes so we immediately associate this with horror. Also we see this weapons used to cut someone’s limb off so we then realise these props are in a horror scene. Another use of mise en scene is the torch. This shows the horror genre as it is a prop that reveals the only source of lighting so suggest that the surroundings are remote and also creates a sense of mystery as you can only see what the torch shows. A final use of mise en scene is the blood used in the scene. When we se blood we think about death or murder a particular theme used within horror films. So when we see blood within this scene we suggest that someone has been killed so associate this mise en scene with horror.


Also the camera shots in this scene show the horror genre.  The opening scene shows a point of view shot were it shows what the man can see by the torches spotlight. This shows horror as it shows what the man can see which is only revealed through the spotlight so you are put in the place of the character and you can also feel his sense of mystery and vulnerability. This creates an atmosphere that can be linked to horror and therefore shows this genre. The other camera shot used is a close up of the mans face which reveals a shocked expression and fear in his eyes. This creates a relationship between the audience and the character as you can feel what he is feeling. This shows the aspect of horror as these emotions of fear and shock can be associated with what he is surrounded by in the scene and it appears to be horror by what he is feeling.


Editing techniques are used within this scene to show the genre of horror. The first editing technique used is the match on action of the man going to use the weapon then actually using it. This is used while he is slashing someone’s foot. This creates the genre of horror as he is using a blade to chop someone’s foot off which creates a typical horror theme of murder. Also it creates a hostile atmosphere within the film so introduces the aspect of horror further. A further use of editing is a cross cut from a weapon to the man to a torch, firstly this is linking aspects of horror mise en scene so instigates a horror theme towards the reader. Also the editing technique of the crosscut creates tension as it questions the reader of what’s going to happen by switching between the items and linking them with the mans emotions.


Lastly sound is used to create the horror genre within the opening sequence. Within the scene we hear the sound perspective of an empty gun, where the man is struggling. This shows the horror genre as we associate a gun with horror films. Also we know that the man is struggling and as he has no gun to defend himself because the gun is empty that something is going to happen so creates anticipation and tension.  Another use of sound is the diagetic sound of crying.  The crying sound associates with horror as it makes




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